Sunday, August 22, 2010

Love.. yea rite!

This one is for the lucky one’s who are in love, the special one’s who feel they are falling in love, and the extraordinary one’s, who are in search of love, and if you fall in none of these categories , you are up for a fun ride.

Everyday someone or the other is blabbering about falling in love. The use of ‘blabbering’ makes my stance pretty clear. Since the time we were little kids we have been witnessing those love struck couples, we attended many functions which were held to celebrate the marital alliance, some of them extra special ‘coz they were termed ‘love’ marriages. All we used to hear about was that ‘special’ feeling called love. That is where it was initiated.

Let us to jump to the present scenario. You watch any movie or some television series, a love story is an essential part, if there is none we feel that something was missing. . You hear some friend of yours about falling in love, and how good it feels. You listen to those romantic tracks and you feel you have felt the same. You open any social networking site, you will see someone or the other talking about ‘love’. Even in news, you hear about those big shots falling in love. I guess you can see how the mind is conditioned.

I ‘m sorry to break the flow but a question arises, if this so called ‘love’ is that special, how come it happens to almost everyone? Now don’t let your innocent mind counter this with, No! Mine is real, i can feel it, we have a ‘connection’. Trust me, i have seen and I‘ve been in infinite scenarios, each and every one more special than the other, but sadly they were just permutations of how your mind gets befooled.
Now just look at the trend, our mind has subconsciously established that we are supposed to be in love, now we meet someone who has similar or may be even different interests (keeping in mind that opposites attract scenario), we talk and we bond very well, we are taken care of and we feel good, we experience new feelings and we feel we have our ‘someone special’. I can quote a million examples about those miracles that happen or those ‘coincidences’ which are assumed to be destiny or how special and by chance it was that you guys met(you can think about yours but don’t get too sentimental and flow away).

If that chemistry was the reason aren’t there people of the same sex who bond well with you. We don’t tell them we are in love with them and will like to spend our lives with them (ignoring sec377 of the Indian constitution). It is because we have never seen that happening, we don’t find it normal as our mind was not conditioned that way.

I’m sorry for being the bad news bearer but eh.. love doesn’t exists, its just your mind is conditioned that way. Your mind gets weak you look for support, you find that person and bang! You believe you are in love. Even scientifically it is proven that a hormone is excreted at a particular time and we call that hormone love (technically oxytocin).

I’m not concluding that there is anything wrong with it, even oxytocin can cure many human ailments (don’t call that magic, there’s a reason behind it, which you can find in some medical journal) but I’ll tell you to keep your mind aware of this and you’ll b able to avoid many confusions. Relationships are not bad, till the time they make you feel good, there is no harm.

One last thing , if i tell you that i love you , it will be by far an understatement, Hey! now don’t let your mind hover the other way else the conditioning that it went through will all be futile.
peace out!